Expressions Unlimited

Expressions Unlimited

Posted by Staci Bryant on September 21, 2020 | Last Updated: September 22, 2020 Uncategorized

Top Indoor House Plants for Beginners

Having plants indoors has become a lot more popular over the past decade and for good reason – plants provide a host of benefits to us. From relieving stress to purifying the air and improving mental health, plants should be a staple in everyone’s home. If you’re uncertain about your skills regarding taking care of a plant, then start with tough, hard to kill varieties. Below are some of the most forgiving and easy to care for plants any beginner can handle. Choose several and see how easy it is to maintain healthy plants in your home.

Best Beginner Friendly Plants

Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Pothos is an attractive trailing vine plant with medium-sized leaves that are dark green or yellow and green variegated. They look best on top of a tall bookshelf or in a hanging planter. They are hard to kill and can tolerate nearly any type of growing environment. They can also hand infrequent waterings for those who sometimes forget to water their plants. For your pothos to thrive, place in indirect medium light and water once every one to two weeks.

Snake Plant

This striking plant has stiff, lengthy vertical leaves with pointed ends. The leaves are dark green with margins of bright yellow. They also come in green and yellow variegated patterns. The Snake Plant, also called the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is very resilient and hard to kill. It can handle low light or bright light and a spotty watering schedule. The Snake Plant is a great air purifier as it converts CO2 into oxygen during the night.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

The beautiful “Moth Orchid” is actually a very easy orchid variety to grow indoors. Their stunning, beautiful blooms can last up to four months and can bloom as often as twice a year. This is a pretty forgiving plant and can last up to 10 years. Place in a an area with low light, no full sun, and water once a week when in bloom. Once the bloom is off, you only need to water it every two weeks.

Peace Lily

Easy to grow indoors, the Peace Lily, is a lush, full plant with curving, rich green leaves. They will surprise you by blooming a beautiful white flower when you least expect it. Exoitc and elegant, the Peace Lily also filters toxins in the air. They enjoy moist soil and bright, indirect light. Keep pets and kids away though as this plant is toxic to them.

Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant)

As its name implies, this is one tough plant. It can withstand neglect, low light, low humidity, and spotty watering. The large, pointed dark green leaves grow directly from the stem underground which gives this plant a very full and lush appearance. A slow-growing plant, it won’t outgrow its location for a while and can live up to 50 years. Best conditions for this plant to thrive are indirect moderate light and waterings once soil has dried out.

Prayer Plant

For a colorful, hardy, tropical plant, the Prayer Plant is a great choice. It comes in varieties of colorufl leaves and patterns. They are called Prayer Plant because some of them fold their leaves up at night resembling hands in prayer. They are not too picky about their lighting conditions, but bright, indirect light is best, and keep the soil moist.

Fittonias (Nerve Plant)

This pretty plant comes in a variety of leaf colors and has veined leaves giving it a very ornamental look. It loves water so is perfect for those overwaterers out there. They love humidity and warm conditions so misting in between waterings may be necessary. Place in bright, indirect light and wait for soil to dry out before watering.