The holiday season blends together traditions that originated in many places – historical customs, regional customs, and family traditions are just a few of the influences. From the anticipated dinner to binge-watching football with family and friends, there are many ways that the team at Expressions Unlimited celebrates the holiday. And no matter the Thanksgiving Day traditions in your home, we have the perfect floral designs and seasonal arrangements to accent your holiday decor.
Thanksgiving Day
The first celebration – a dinner attended by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians – took place in Plymouth Meeting in 1621. Although observed in various ways down through the centuries, Thanksgiving was not made an official holiday until 1863, when Abraham Lincoln saw fit to sign the holiday into existence.

Pumpkin Spice
Thanksgiving Turkey
The settlers and their guests may or may not have had turkey at their meal. Although we know that the Pilgrims would have indeed hunted wild turkey, the accounts of the day record waterfowl, venison, fish, lobster, clams, berries, fruit, pumpkin, and squash as the menu. It likely became the bird of choice for feasts because of its capacity to feed everyone at the table. Alexander Hamilton once remarked, “No citizen of the U.S. shall refrain from turkey on Thanksgiving Day.”

Autumn Repose
Thanksgiving Football
Since 1934, the Detroit Lions have taken the field for an annual Thanksgiving game. What began as a publicity stunt to garner more fans has become one of our favorite traditions. In 1966, the Dallas Cowboys became the second team that was guaranteed a Thanksgiving Day game. Perhaps thinking that two games were not enough for a football-loving nation, in 2006 the NFL added a third evening game to be played by a rotating roster of teams.

Days of Thanks
Preparing for Friday
Black Friday is becoming as much of a family tradition as many other time-honored customs. But the most enduring and beloved Thanksgiving traditions have to do with gathering with family and friends. And ultimately, that is what the day is all about – being grateful for all the special people in our lives.
At Expressions Unlimited, we have all of the Thanksgiving florals, centerpieces, and gifts you need to create the warmth and ambiance that the season represents. If you live in Greenville, you are our community! We look forward to sharing the Thanksgiving tradition with you.